Doru Florin CHIPER[1], Radu MATEI[2]

Rezumat. Se propune o tehnică de proiectare analitică n domeniul frecvenţă pentru filtre 2D de tip FIR trece jos de bandă largă cu simetrie circulară. Proiectarea este bazată pe un fitru prototip trece-jos, ideal de maxim plat, cu banda de trecere specificată, derivat din funcţia tangentă hiperbolică. Prototipul ideal este aproximat cu un polinom trigonometric, printr-o schimbare de variabilă şi dezvoltare n serie Chebyshev, astfel rezult nd răspunsul n frecvenţă factorizat al prototipului 1D. Aplicand prototipului o transformare de frecvenţă specifică, derivată din transformarea generală McClellan, va rezulta direct răspunsul n frecvenţă al filtrului 2D circular dorit, de asemenea factorizat. Filtrul proiectat are o formă precisă, cu distorsiuni neglijabile. S-a propus de asemenea şi o implementare eficientă la nivel de sistem pentru filtrul proiectat, utiliz nd metoda de descompunere polifazică şi filtrare pe blocuri, ce duce la o structură de filtrare eficientă, cu complexitate aritmetică redusă şi un grad ridicat de paralelism.

Abstract. An analytical synthesis technique in the frequency domain is proposed for a particular class of 2D filters, namely circular wide-band low-pass FIR filters. The design starts from a low-pass prototype filter which is ideally maximally flat, with specified bandwidth, based on hyperbolic tangent function. This is approximated as a trigonometric polynomial using a change of variable and the Chebyshev series, thus obtaining the factored frequency response of the FIR filter prototype. Applying a specific frequency mapping derived from the more general McClellan transform, the frequency response of the desired circular 2D FIR filter results directly, also in factored form. The designed filter has an accurate shape, with negligible distortions. We also proposed a computationally efficient implementation at system level, based on polyphase decomposition and block filtering approach, which leads to a filtering structure with low aritmetic complexity and a high degree of parallelism.

Keywords: 2D FIR filters, circular filters, approximations, analytic design, polyphase filtering


DOI 10.56082/annalsarsciinfo.2024.1.60



Abstract Article  Volume 17 No 1 2024    

[1] Prof., Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Technical University Gheorghe Asachi , Iasi, Romania; Academy of Romanian Scientists - AOSR; Technical Sciences Academy of Romania ASTR (e-mail:

[2]Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Technical University Gheorghe Asachi , Iasi, Romania, Institute of Computer Science, Romanian Academy Iaşi Branch (